Our Health Mate



OurHealthMate is a dynamic platform to revolutionise the way patients access trusted healthcare providers in India. We helped create a system that currently has 26,000 doctors listed with access to over 30 million patients.


OCR, XGBoost, SKLearn


  • Industry sector: Healthcare
  • Services: AI, Machine Learning, POC Validation

Our contribution to Our Health Mate

What We Did

Elemental Concept in partnership with Aladdin worked with Our Health Mate (OHM) who have access to the database of clinicians of the Indian Medical Council, to deliver a risk assessment tool to identify early signs of diabetes and kidney related disease, and provide actionable suggestions to improve and protect health and well-being.

Using our custom built, state of the art OCR engine, we processed over 100,000 raw medical records to extract valuable data points that give insight into important relationships not seen before.

Training a number of different ML models on this rich, extracted dataset with XGBoost and SKLearn and combining their strengths produced a risk assessment of a user’s health with over 85% accuracy and 80% specificity.