Grape & Nectar

Food & Drinks Industry


G&N wanted to build on their reputation within corporate circles to deliver hand selected, premium wines to individuals via a flexible subscription model.


Shopify customisation, Payment integrations


  • Industry sector: Education
  • Services: Consultancy, Content Strategy and UX audit, Development, Brand identity, Design services

Our contribution to Grape & Nectar

What We Did

Grape and Nectar came to Elemental Concept with a basic business card site that simply gave them an online presence – It lacked a proper breakdown of where they were to date with their business and was missing a clear brand identity that sat in line with their more active social campaigns. As well as wanting to properly shape and scale their services, they were looking to create opportunities for repeat revenue with a monthly wine subscription offering.

Elemental Concept’s designers conducted a full UX audit of the existing site, identifying key areas of low hanging fruit to fix immediately. The team then produced a new information architecture and content strategy proposal that became the foundation blocks for a new site build, which we identified would be best served using Shopify. We also created a brand new logo and identity style guide that tied in the visual signature of the brand across all platforms and elaborated how all aspects, from logo to font to photography, were to be used across all collateral.

We undertook the site build, end to end, ensuring that our clients were set up with all the necessary plugins for the more complex functionalities as well as a full breakdown on how to update and maintain their site after we’d handed over.