It is actually not so different to any other technology enabled programme. Many of the things you need to have in place are the same for any other technology.

In my previous blog, I looked into the data needed to feed the AI engine and offered our Risk Scorecard as a tool to evaluate your current position.

For many, the success of an AI project will be gauged by the extent to which people’s roles have transformed from the more mundane, repeatable tasks to adding real value. Yet, too often we focus too early on the tech, attracted by the latest whizz-bang visualisation tools and forget the foundations.

Getting the data foundations right is absolutely critical. Our Risk Scorecard will help you to understand where you are in relation to your regulatory and corporate data compliance, as well as your readiness to really utilise your key data assets to drive your AI project.

Getting the operational foundations right is just as critical and that little bit harder! The introduction of any significant change to people’s current daily routine requires a high level of management. Recognising how the changes will affect the people, processes and even culture of a business and then bringing the team with you – selling the positive stories – will take real effort, planning and a clear communication plan.

Only once the foundations are in place should you really allow yourself to get excited by the whizz-bang technology available to you!

Use this Risk Scorecard to review where you are with a core building block for AI, find out whether you’re looking good, or have some work to do to get started.