
Kalibra is seeking to revolutionise the health and wellness market with a new virtual coaching application, using your personal health data to generate the appropriate activities, advice and next best steps for users looking to lead healthier, balanced lives.

  • Skills: Consultancy, development, design and brand development

Our contribution to Kalibra

Short Summary

Kalibra founder, Ivan Vatchkov approached us to help him build his vision of his health and fitness biometrics driven application and set out a targeted roadmap for future design, development and scaling.

We brought him through a lean Product Discovery to enable Kalibra to identify their initial focus areas and on the back of this, we developed a quick proof of concept web application using our Elemental Apps component library, laying the foundations for a growing business, ready for validation testing and further evolution.

What we did

Product Discovery
Since the founding team had a clear idea of where they wanted to go, our lean discovery workshop enabled us to focus on commercial viability, tying in the features and experience with the user personas and storyboarding.
We encouraged the team to first test their most critical assumption, namely that their IP would be worth while pursuing, and could in fact be built lean and fast.

Developing a rapid proof of concept
Elemental Concept built a working proof of concept in a record 2 week time period, which would not have been possible without leveraging components from the Elemental Apps library. As a web-app, we had to tweak certain aspects to enable us to successfully validate the IP and enable the founders to gain crucial feedback from their users. Having a great selection of working parts enabled us to focus on building an API-based backend that serves questions and receives input from users to score their health in 6 dimensions and determine the best next action for their individual goal and status.

Approaching MVP
As we now look to a more realised MVP, more customisation and frontend tweaking will be necessary. To enable us to move the web-app into both app stores, we intend to leverage the existing components where possible and re-skin them under the Kalibra brand, which we have provided extensive conceptual design guidance on. This will allow us to deliver the MVP in only 2 weeks.

Setting foundations for a strong business
While achieving the full vision for Kalibra will require an expansion of features, the POC and MVP lay the basis for user testing and are the first iterative step towards achieving a strong product market fit. All at speed and low cost as well as great client satisfaction.

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