


Plango is an enterprise SaaS platform that helps to manage and maximise successful collaboration between funding organisations (e.g. large corporations) and impact organisations (e.g. NGOs, NPOs, social enterprises)


  • Industry sector: SaaS
  • Services: Consultancy, Audit, Product Discovery

Our contribution to PlanGo

What We Did

Petrichor approached Elemental at point they had conceptualised and created the design prototype for their Plan:Go platform but did not feel that they had captured the essence of their vision for the Platform

Elemental took the Client on a discovery journey through a series of Discovery Workshops to  review their business model and key value proposition and define the key user journeys that would deliver the first version of the platform – the Minimal Viable Product.

Tools adopted included:

  • Business Modeling, using the Business Model Canvas
  • User Personas and Story Boarding
  • Story Mapping
  • UX audit of existing prototype

Elemental also made recommendations for their  software, infrastructure and data architecture that would ensure the platform is fit for purpose for the MVP but will also allow the platform to scale as their business scales