


Clubforce is an all-in-one platform for Sports Club management supporting sports clubs across Ireland and UK with over 500,000 active users. 

Clubforce were embarking on a rebuild of their existing platform to further their growth ambitions and to better optimise player and club data.


  • Industry sector: Sports
  • Services: Discovery – Business Modelling & Story Mapping, UX/UI Design

Our contribution to Clubforce

What We Did

Elemental was introduced to Clubforce to initially see how we may help with the UX / UI design for the new platform as well as enhancements to their existing platform. 

During these initial discussions it became apparent that Clubforce would benefit from taking a step back to validate the business model and longer-term business strategy to be able to better define the scope of their rebuild. 

Elemental undertook a discovery programme to interrogate the business model –  identifying the key problem statements and motivations for the core users of the platform.  

With the customer and problem statements identified, working with our client, we created a prioritised story map for the new platform ensuring that the features and functionalities will indeed address the identified problem statements. 

Elemental also undertook and review of the proposed architecture for the rebuild and made recommendations considering the outputs from the discovery sessions. 

Elemental also worked with the client to introduce some key UX & UI improvements to both their web and mobile applications of their existing platform.