
Social Needs


Socioly tackles the issue of organising and communicating with your social circles. What has traditionally been a toggle and juggle between messaging apps, calendars, email and online polls is now unified in one simple app that on top of that allows you to manage the busy calendars and social activities of your kids.


Frontend: HTML/Typescript/SCSS using Angular framework and material design

Backend: Java Springboot

MySQL Database

UX/UI Design & Prototyping


  • Industry sector: Social needs
  • Services: Consultancy, Development, Deployment

Our contribution to Socioly

What We Did

Through Product Discovery, collaboration between the client and our team envisioned Socioly as an app that integrates one to many messaging, polls, calendar integration with live availability checking for friends in your circle, as well as your kids’ circles. All without leaving the app and without the need to change medium and focus in between. 

Together with our joint venture partner for lean but fully functional implementation, Elemental Wave, we designed an easy to use UI/UX, a robust architecture for messaging, integrations with all relevant services across Android and iOS as well as polling functionality and the organisational structure of one to n, n to n and direct messaging.

The app store approval process and changing requirements to moderate content in messaging apps continue to provide ample opportunity to improve and adapt the app to a changing regulatory environment.

The integrations and expected scaling across users and circles will continue to functionally expand the service to more parents, socialites and sports club members alike